Antra Sinha

The clay says to the potter -

Why do you knead me?

A day will come when

you will go to dust and I will knead you then.

Kabir Das, Indian Poet, XVCent.

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3 items each 30cmx20cmx28cm

Gas fired porcelain and epoxy

“Nature fascinates me. When I see nature, I see geometry. I am inspired by the structures that emerge and evolve from the micro of the organism to the macro of the universe”

Antra Sinha

Graduated with BFA and MFA from the University of Baroda India, Antra Sinha has dedicated to ceramic art since 2002 she has collaborated and created works in India, Japan, Australia, Germany and recently moved to Utah. Her father is an engineer and her mother is sociologist, in her art she combines these two influences blending them together: abstraction and structure of geometry with creativity. These geometrical pieces multiplied and piled with each other represent a pattern of growth which is an important aspect of nature. 




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